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Indu Verma
Invaluable Contribution in terms of Time, Money & Efforts!

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Rising Star

Hello Girls!

इस वीडियो में आप सीखेंगे की आप सिर्फ 3 महीनों में अपने PCOD (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome) को जड़ से कैसे ख़तम कर सकते है | पहले भाग में आप सीखेंगे की PCOD का जड़ कारण क्या है और दूसरे भाग में आप जानेंगे अपना 5-स्टेप PCOD को ठीक करने के लिए प्लान | जब आप इस प्लान को अपनाना शुरू करेंगे, आपके periods खुद-ब-खुद टाइम पे आने लगेंगे, facial hair की problem ख़तम हो जाएगी, वज़न ज़्यादा है तो वो घट जायेगा और बाल गिरने बंद हो जायेंगे | तो इस वीडियो को आखिर तक ज़रूर देखे |

Indu Verma
Invaluable Contribution in terms of Time, Money & Efforts!

Platinum Member

For New Comers

Rising Star

What are the benefits of practising yoga? Put simply, the reason so many people are falling in love with yoga is because they are discovering how wonderful it is for your mind, body and spirit. But in case you’re not yet convinced, we’ve come up with our top ten reasons why yoga is incredible...

  1. Yoga increases your flexibility. This is why many people start yoga, and it’s certainly a great benefit of yoga practice. Yoga postures and sequences help to increase the body’s range of motion. The mindful approach of yoga helps to ensure that stretching is done safely, allowing the nervous system to release the muscles into gentle, effective stretches. This reduces the risk of injuring ligaments and tendons, which can occur through more aggressive approaches to flexibility training. Releasing tension in the muscles can also help them to relax and let go, helping your body to open up more.

Watch Themed Session on Constipation:

Indu Verma
Invaluable Contribution in terms of Time, Money & Efforts!

Platinum Member

For New Comers

Rising Star

Surya Namaskar Tutorial (Sun-Salutation)

{Interesting for Children}

Indu Verma
Indu Verma
02 mar 2021


    Welcome to the YSK Community A yoga community is very imp...


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